Our Value ...

Almas Caviar has a number of advantages:


· Cruelty free process: The Sturgeon fish gets to live for numerous years and we will get a chance to enjoy its caviar for decades vs. the traditional method of killing the fish to extract the eggs.


· Freshness guaranteed: The water supply is designed to replicate Caspian Sea’s water effects. The water is constantly being monitored and tested to ensure and guarantee its freshness.


· Odorless product: Enormous amount of care and attention is provided to the fish diet, and as a result the caviar and the fish do not have the fishy smell that is typical.


· Low salt content: Due to just in time process that Almas Caviar provides, the salt content is reduced to 3%, allowing the consumer to enjoy the Caviar rather than salt. This is a unique advantage, since most Caviar in the market contains more than 10% salt content.


· Certified for distribution: This product is fully certified by FDA, HACCP, and CITES.



Almas Caviar Co., located in South Korea, started operations in the 1990’s by importing the original fish from Caspian Sea. We are succeeding in farming and producing the largest quantity of sturgeon and harvesting the finest quality of caviar products. We are the first and only producer in Korea that is officially registered with the CITES.



The original sturgeons were brought from Caspian Sea in 1990’s, and they are swimming along the many thousands that have been given birth is these aqua tanks. To manage the risk, multiple farms are designed and are operational to make sure a healthy and responsible supply of Caviar is available in case of any natural or otherwise disasters.



“We welcome our valued customers to come and visit our farms, our sustainable harvesting process,

and see these beautiful creatures first-hand”


“Let us all participate in global conservation of Wild life”

The following link demonstrates the sustainable harvesting process utilized by Almas Caviar versus the traditional cruel harvesting methods used in the industry:

